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Future technology smartphones

Every year, there are several phone concepts that make us admire them and dream,so that hold such a technique in the hands of. Of course, this is not always possible, because many concepts are so bold that they can not be launched into mass production in the next few years. For example:
Alienware Android Phone Perfect smartphone for gamers. Despite its interesting appearance and impressive characteristics, it is unlikely that it will someday be put into production.
Through the glass
There was a large number of new products associated with the use of glass – a completely transparent screen or keyboard is completely transparent, or generally completely transparent phone. Naturally, the glass is not chosen as usual,special glass are used to create new devices. It is not yet clear if this will be convenient, but it is a dream that can become a reality.

To call someone or take a call, you do not need to have a huge screen. And with a small screen to send messages somehow not very convenient, constant navigation through the menu. You can find a way out of this situation. At the right time, for the normal viewing of the movie, You can make a screen of the right size. At other times the phone should not take up too much space in your pocket or purse.

Your wishes
Many people associate the future of mobile phones with the possibility of changing the shape, so that this device can be easily worn, for example, in the form of a bracelet or a hoop on the head. Another design development related to Nokia, the device is able to change the color depending on the color of the objects that are next to it. This is even steeper than the removable panels, which can be changed to fit daily!

Despite all the difficulties, certain parts of the concepts are still used in the most modern models. So, back in 2005, the touchscreens seemed fantastic, and now they are applied everywhere. Such a rapid development of technology makes us think about what awaits us in the near future.
And what kind of phone do you dream of? What should he look like?


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